Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Red Plum Fruit Spread

Have you noticed any plums on sale lately?  They are in season at the moment and very delicious.  I was fortunate enough to have been given at least 50 pounds of plums a few weekends back and I made enough bottled fruit spread to last my family the next three years.  Oh, it tastes so good!!  You’re going to love it too. J
Red Plum Fruit Spread
8-10 pounds plums
2 lemons
3 cups sugar
Remove the pits from the plums and peel the lemon.  Puree together in a blender or food processor.  In a large pot stir all ingredients together.  Bring to a boil then simmer for 10-20 minutes (until it has reached your desired consistency).
Fill 8-10 sanitized 8 ounce jars with the liquid.  Screw on sanitized lids then process in a hot water bath for about 10 minutes. 
Wait at least 24 hours before testing the lids.

By Miriam Barton in promotion for The Pioneer Cookbook: Recipes For Today's Kitchen.

This recipe is being shared with the Hearth and Soul Hop, Take It From Me, Inspiring You To Save Wandering Wednesday, Mommy Only Has Two Hands Hump Day Hop, The King's Court IV What's Cooking Wednesday, This Chick Cooks, Miz Helen's Country Cottage Full Plate Thursday, Friday Pot Luck, Little Brick Ranch, My Adventure In Mommyhood, KB and Whitesnakes Home Simply Delish, My Meatless Mondays, Bake with Bizzy


  1. HI! I just received my copy of your cookbook from the giveaway at the "Take it from Me' blog. It is so fabulous! I've already found lots of recipes I want to try.
    Thank you so much!

  2. I love plums and I will definitely give this recipe a shot.


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