Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pictures From A Real Pioneer Kitchen

I recently took a tour of the Beehive House; a wealthier pioneer house that has been kept in perfect condition through the years.  Here are some pictures of the kitchen:
This is a pioneer kitchen sink.

This is an old-fashioned wood burning cooking stove with all of the bells and whistles.  Notice all if the pots, kettles, and irons.  You can also see a type of frying pan and muffin pan on the front left and middle burners.

Here are some old pioneer waffle irons, yes they made waffles back then!

Some pretty common pioneer kitchen gadgets.

I'll share more pictures in the future but if you're ever in the Salt Lake City area you should take the tour too, it is educational and rewarding!

By Miriam Barton in promotion for The Pioneer Cookbook: Recipes For Today's Kitchen.


  1. That is so amazing! I love that they've kept it, treasured it, for all to see. If I ever visit Salt Lake city I would love to take a stroll through this house.

  2. I absolutely love your kitchen!!! I love the sink, and the copper pots! Visiting and following via Welcome Wednesday hop...hop over to my blog and follow back if you like...

    Jessica K

  3. Beautiful kitchen!!! I wish lived closer so I could take a tour...following you, follow back please :)

  4. Keep up the good recipes! I will be coming back! New follower from blog hop, please follow me back!

  5. Follwing from Money Savvy Michelle's GFC hop! We hope you'll follow back :) and @gracie680 on Twitter.

  6. It's beautiful! I believe the pan on the front middle burner is a Danish aebleskiver pan, rather than a muffin pan.

  7. No doubt our modern kitchen gadgets are copied from this wonderful ancient wisdom, what else in this world is original i doubt...

  8. Love the stove even if it has no hot water reserve but I'm glad I don't have to use that sink..., my back hurts just looking at it, lol.

  9. how would i get one of this stoves i really would like to have one so if the power in my home goes out i can cook on this stove it would be neat to have one,,,,so if anyone knows where i can get one of these stoves please call me 308 324 7954 or e=mail me at or go to my facebook
    please let me know one way or another..thank you all. god bless you all.


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